1. What does the Student Activities and Newcomer Advisory Office do?

All student clubs at Koç University operate under the Student Activities and Newcomer Advisory Office. The office supports, develops and supervises the activities of student clubs. It also produces volunteer projects that will increase students’ responsibilities towards the environment and nature, and maintains relations with NGOs. For all your questions about clubs and activities, you can send an e-mail to incampus@ku.edu.tr.

2. How many student clubs are there at Koç University?

There are nearly 80 active student clubs and societies at Koç University.

3. How can I become a member of the clubs?

To become a member of the clubs https://studentguide.ku.edu.tr/yeni-ogrenciler/uyum-gunleri/ you can get information about the clubs on the web page.  You can also follow the introductory meetings to be held at the beginning of the fall semester.

4. Is there a fee to be a member of the clubs?

There is no membership fee for clubs.

5. Where can I find the names and working areas of all clubs?

You can find the names and working areas of the clubs on the https://studentguide.ku.edu.tr/kampuste-yasam/ web page.

6. What should students do to establish a new society?

Students should first examine the existing clubs and their fields to make sure that the work they want to do does not fall into the field of another club. To establish a society, a student team of at least seven people should be formed. At the beginning of each fall semester, the Student Activities and Volunteer Projects Office announces the application deadline and required documents to all students via e-mail. Students who miss the application deadline cannot be accepted to establish a new society. To apply for a new society, you must have lived on campus for at least 1 year.