1- What is Sevgi Gönül Kültür Merkezi and what is the aim of it?

Sevgi Gönül Cultural Center (SGKM), is located within Koç University Rumeli Feneri Campus and has been actively serving since the academic year of 2008 – 2009, bringing together the culture-art life with participants from both inside and outside the campus, by coordinating and organizing concerts, plays, film screenings, recitals. SGKM also hosts exhibitions, dance performances and many other similar events.

SGKM is managed by Cultural Arts and Events Office, as sub-unit affiliated to the Dean’s Office. SGKM is positioned as a vibrant, dynamic cultural center that realizes up-to-date, creative productions and shows that are open to the participation of everyone in line with the student-oriented, innovative vision of Koç University.

SGKM contributes to the social life of the University, especially in Istanbul, by ensuring many professional arts and cultural organizations taking place in different venues as well as in online platforms of Koç University.

2- What kind of affiliation does SGKM have with school and students?

SGKM is a cultural center frequently used by student clubs and administrative & academic units. The Culture and Art Activities Coordination Office is responsible for organizing the calendar of the culture and arts organizations of the University at SGKM. Thus, it contributes to the creation of a planned study process with other units of the University.

The Cultural Arts & Events Office, which organizes close links and joint organizations with student clubs, ensures that the professional events to be held at SGKM are developed in terms of both quality and quantity. For example, Social Activities Club and Katılsak Konuşsak Günleri (We Participate, We Talk days), Theater Club and Sevgi Gönül Theater Days are some of these joint activities. In addition, the Cultural Arts and Events Coordinator acts as a consultant for the clubs that organize such organizations.

This close communication with students also helps professional artists and groups to reach clubs easily.

3- What Types of Events Take Place at SGKM?

SGKM hosts events that cater to the tastes of young people in Turkey, focusing on popular and alternative/current art productions, concerts, theater performances, artistic shows, film screenings, recitals, one-man shows, dance performances, guided tours, and workshops. Some of the event series organized by the center include SalıCaz! concerts, Thursday Classics Series, Off Campus!, Deep Listening Experiences, and SGKM Workshops. Additionally, the Cultural and Art Events Coordination Office supports festivals organized by clubs working in the field of performing arts, ensuring these festivals are conducted professionally and in a disciplined manner within the SGKM program.

4- How Often Are SGKM Events Held?

The Cultural and Art Events Coordination Office organizes at least one professional cultural and art event at SGKM each week throughout the academic year, except during midterm and final exam weeks. Additionally, events are organized on other days of the week in collaboration with student clubs.

5- Who Can Attend SGKM Events?

SGKM events are primarily open to Koç University students, academic and administrative staff, and their guests. For certain events, external participants can join by using an online ticket/invitation system.

6- How Are SGKM Events Priced? How Can Tickets Be Obtained?

The majority of event organizations within the SGKM program (music, dance, seminars, theater, film screenings, etc.) are free and open to everyone, except for certain performances. Announcements regarding the content, ticket, and invitation information of these events are made at least three days before the event via the SGKM website, posters, mailing, social media, and/or other internal/external communication channels.

7- Where Can I Follow SGKM Event Programs? What Is Your Contact Address?

You can visit the SGKM website at http://sgkm.ku.edu.tr/ and utilize the other communication channels mentioned above. For any questions or information, you can also email sgkm@ku.edu.tr.

To follow SGKM on social media:
Instagram: sevgigonulkulturmerkezi