1. What can I do to improve my academic performance in my courses?

When you struggle with your courses, you can take advantage of KOLT’s peer support center for free. This support is provided in collaboration with the course instructors. The goal is to help students develop the knowledge and skills they need in their courses. Additionally, problem-solving sessions are organized before midterms and final exams.

2. What can I do to speak English more fluently?

KOLT organizes conversation groups led by native English-speaking students to support students in practicing English. This support is offered at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels, allowing students to improve their speaking skills in a friendly environment throughout the semester.

3. How can I manage my time effectively in my academic life?

KOLT offers academic skill development training to help students improve their learning abilities and equip them with effective strategies for success in higher education. To enhance your time management and other academic skills, you can check the dates of these trainings on KOLT’s website.

4. I need support with basic topics in mathematics. Who can I get help from?

STEM Bootcamp, a two-week intensive program conducted in collaboration between KOLT and the Faculty of Science, aims to enhance students’ basic knowledge and skills in mathematics to support a smooth transition into university entry-level courses. You can benefit from this service as part of the introductory mathematics courses.

5. How can I study more effectively throughout the semester?

KOLT provides tools, resources, and one-on-one academic counseling services to help students develop their study habits and strategies and guide them towards self-efficacy in their academic life. By using these academic counseling services, you can learn ways to study more effectively for your courses.

6. What can I do to learn new languages and practice speaking, in addition to English?

In addition to English conversation groups, KOLT also organizes conversation groups in German, French, and other languages upon request. These programs help you learn new languages and practice speaking in the foreign languages you already know.

For more information, you can visit our website: https://kolt.ku.edu.tr/student/