1. What Services Are Provided by the Health Center?

Our Health Centers, located at the Main Campus and the West Dormitory, provide primary healthcare services 24/7, with doctors and medical staff available at all times. These centers are open year-round and assist students with their health issues. Both health units have an ambulance available 24/7. All students can benefit from these health services free of charge.

2. How Can I Benefit from These Services?

Regular clinic services are provided during working hours. Outside of working hours and on holidays, the service operates as an emergency clinic. To benefit from this service, it is important to make an appointment by calling internal 1273 or +90 212 338 12 73, which helps to avoid time loss and confusion. Once you start experiencing symptoms, you can make an appointment by calling 1273 and be examined at the health center.

In emergencies, especially in cases requiring an ambulance, you can make an emergency call by dialing 1100 for the ambulance. However, ambulance requests should be made only in serious and concerning medical situations. Since there is only one ambulance on campus, unnecessary calls and the occupation of the ambulance or phone line may cause delays in reaching a genuinely urgent case. It is crucial to be sensitive and careful in this regard for the benefit of everyone.

3. How Does the Ambulance Call Process Work?

The ambulance call center number is 1100 (from mobile phones: +90 212 338 12 73). In emergencies, after the call, the ambulance and medical team arrive at the scene, provide the necessary intervention, and continue treatment at the health center or arrange for the patient’s transfer to a hospital as directed by the 112 Command Center if needed.

4. How Are Prescribed Medications Obtained After an Examination at the Health Center?

At our health centers, prescriptions can only be written for medications that can be obtained through private health insurance or for a fee. Prescriptions within the scope of official or SGK (Social Security Institution) coverage cannot be written. If requested, prescriptions can be sent to a contracted pharmacy and delivered to the Health Center at 16:00 on the same day. Students who request this service can pay the pharmacy staff delivering the medications and receive their medications.

5. Which Centers Can Issue Sick Leave Reports According to the Health Directive?

Apart from sick leave reports issued by the doctors at our health centers when deemed necessary, reports properly issued by any official or private hospital, health center, clinic, or dentist will be accepted. To be valid, the report must include the “Diagnosis information, Date and Protocol number, and the Doctor’s Stamp and Signature.” The processes for sending and accepting reports from external centers are detailed in the “Student Health Reports Implementation Guidelines” (a link to the relevant guideline should be placed here). Reports sent are evaluated by the responsible doctors at the health center for compliance and then entered into the system.

6. When Should Reports Obtained from Outside the Health Center Be Submitted?

Students who receive reports from institutions outside of the KU Health Center should submit them in image format via email to healthcenter@ku.edu.tr within 5 (five) days from the end date of the report. Students must keep the original reports to present them if needed. It is important that these reports include criteria such as “Name of the illness, dates of the sick leave, doctor’s stamp and signature (electronic signatures are also accepted), the name of the institution issuing the report” to ensure the report’s validity, and the report must be legible. Reports that do not meet these criteria will not be accepted and will not be entered into the system.

7. Are Reports Obtained Abroad Accepted?

Reports obtained while abroad are also accepted. The acceptance process is the same as for reports obtained in Turkey, as detailed in the “Student Health Reports Implementation Guidelines.” However, reports prepared in the original language of the given country will require translation. The original report, along with its Turkish translation, must be sent via email in image format. After submission, the necessary checks will be made, and if deemed appropriate, the report will be entered into the system.